So...I'm new to this blogging thing and thought I'd give it a try though I feel as though I am writing into a literary black hole of sorts.
Awhile back I began putting my experiences and observations as a single woman to paper. Scores of frustrating dating experiences began to codify. (Yes my babies, triple word score). I began writing these down and ended up with the beginnings of a book. But I digress...
To give you a little background, I am a licensed mental health professional currently working on "the dark side". Those of you in the field know exactly what the "dark side" is. The fact is I have happily sold-out, snitched, gone to the other side...whatever you want to call it. I've paid my dues. I've been hit, kicked, spat upon and cursed out. (What-you thought mentally illness somehow engendered good manners?). A girl has to eat. And frankly years of wading through others' horrific life experiences warrants an occupational sabbatical if not an extended trip to the loony bin yourself. Simply put-I love my field but I love myself more. I'm not a martyr. I want to help people but until our society monetarily recognizes the value of the mental health field I refuse to starve.
Hence my foray into the dark side. And I'll let you in on a little secret: the "dark side" isn't nearly as morally corrupt as you might think. It's those ivory tower institutions that you have to watch. You would be shocked at the goings on at some of the most prestigious psychiatric facilities. But that's for another time...
So...why did you title your blog "Hysterical Woman" you may be thinking... Without going into too much psychobabble, the early roots of personality disorders were based upon the concept of "hysteria". (I sure do seem to love using " don't I?). Hysteria was a female disorder thought to be caused by a wandering uterus. (Yep, totally true. Google it my babies. Have yourself a good laugh). The most popular cure for hysteria was pregnancy. (Yeah, riiiight).
Fortunately we are all progressive enough to now recognize the lunacy of this premise. But...the phenomena of the "hysterical woman" (there I go again) persists. Rather than rally against a clearly patriarchal bias against the female experience I've decided to adopt the cliché as my own. I embrace hysteria. It is my own. Let me show you how hysterical I can really be.
Join me on my journey into modern madness...the trip will be entertaining and the results possibly revolutionary.
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