Private as defined by "confined to or intended for the persons immediately concerned; undertaken individually or personally".
P-R-I-V-A-T-E. Is this a difficult concept to grasp? Apparently so because I just experienced a violation. Let me make a suggestion...if you ask someone a question and they don't answer it means they don't want to talk about it. It DOES NOT mean that they want you to walk over to them and then loudly repeat the question. And when they continue to avoid answering it really, really means they don't want to talk about it. I mean, get a clue.
Why must people press? Do you not have enough to do to occupy yourself? Are you so bored that you must entertain yourself by making a spectacle of yourself and others uncomfortable? Is this a feeble attempt to redirect the spotlight on yourself? If so I'll let you on on a secret...I. Don't. Want. The. Spotlight. It's all yours. But have the decency to refrain from using my name and privacy to garner such attentions.
I am intensely private. If you hadn't already noticed my blog fails to include any personally identifiable information or photos. There's a reason for that. So when I purposely choose to maintain such levels of privacy especially in my workplace it galls me when I am outed against my will. It's not as though I'm coy about it. I don't demure while harboring a secret hope you'll come over and drag it out of me anyway. The signs are obvious. I ignore your questions on the subject. When cornered I re frame. I reflect. I avoid. Yet you continue to press...
What I fail to understand is why you want to know? What about my personal comings and goings is so fascinating that you disregard social norms in pursuit of your objective? Is it curiosity? Jealousy? Indignation? Might any juicy bits of info you procure buy you entry into the "in" crowd? If you proffer some info on me will they start including you? Might it buy you an invitation to lunch? A false sense of belonging?
I am acutely aware of your real job in the workplace-resident gossip. I've witnessed you and your tribe cackling voraciously about others while sharpening your fangs. I've heard your version of others' statements. It's fascinating to hear how much the story changes when it simply comes out of your mouth. It's like an adult version of the childhood game Telephone. The facts take so many twists and turns by the time you retell them they're unrecognizable.
Simply put I don't want my name coming out of your mouth. It may be rude but apparently subtlety is lost on you. I must be brutally direct. Have you noticed you don't see much of me throughout the day? It's intentional. I walk an extra 5 minutes out of my way to avoid your general area. I relocated my space. I don't solicit your feedback. At meetings I sit opposite you. I don't seek out your company so why would you ever think I would divulge any personal information?
If you really, really want to know "how it went" I have an idea. Why don't you ask the other people who were present? Get it right from the horse's mouth so to speak. No? They might be offended? You could get in trouble you say? You weren't included in the meeting so you can't really ask them? Huh...guess you're maybe you should mind your own business.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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