I came across this post online and just had to share. Love it! I think I've found my blog soul mate. Enjoy...(BTW it was anonymous so no one to credit).
To the person in my apartment complex who likes the sound of their car alarm: It still works. I promise. Yet day after day, night after night, restful Saturday morning after.....REM-interrupted Saturday morning, you faithfully sound your car alarm for a few seconds, turn it off, then sound it again. Just to be DOUBLE sure that your equipment is functional. Sometimes, you'll even allow it to go off for 15 seconds or so while standing beside the car as if to simulate the experience a thief might have as he tries to jack your shit. 'NOT THIS HONDA OWNER, buddy,' you might think to yourself while stifling a prideful chuckle.....you of all people know 10 year old Accords are worth tirelessly protecting, and you do your job well.
I don't mean to belittle your OCD as I'm sure it's a crippling condition, but I assure you that after your repeated tireless and vigorous testing, the rest of the apartment community is in agreement that your alarm must be one of the finest and most reliable caliber - that is, rain or shine, it always seems to sound. Winter, spring, summer, fall. Through snow and sun alike. Nothing can stop yours. Bravo.
It is with immeasurable regret that I must warn you that should the routine continue 12 times a day, you might find a brick through your windshield. Wonder if your alarm will go off then? For the first time, it might be music to my ears.
Your neighbor across the way and three buildings over (yep, we can hear it down here)
HELPFUL HINT: It defeats the purpose of having a car alarm if we're all so used to hearing it that no one bats an eye when we hear it going off for the 9th time today.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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